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Katalog / Herbals / Himcocid
Der synergetische Effekt von Himcocid dient der Neutralisierung von Magensäuren und der Linderung der brennenden Schmerzen von Übersäuerung.
Himcocid 200ml
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200ml × 1 flasche €31.84€31.84+ Levitra 


Himcocid is composed of 100% natural herbs that help to restore the normal functioning of the digestion system. It also contains some absolutely safe components to relieve the hyperacidity and correct the functioning of the intestine. It restores the normal microflora of the stomach, intestine, and the whole of gastrointestinal tract. However, always consult your physician about the need and the proper dosage of taking the medication.


Take exactly as prescribed by your Health Provider.

Usually the medication is taken per os, with or before meals.


Please consult your Health Provider to prescribe the dosage that best suits your condition.

If you miss a dose of Himcocid and you are using it regularly, use it as soon as possible. Do not use 2 doses at once.


Store at the room temperature away from moisture, heat and sunlight. Keep out of reach of children and away from pets.

There are no know precautions for using Himcocid.

Himcocid is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.

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